
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Providence Council to adopt Title IV of Civil Rights Act

The Providence City Council met Monday evening with Mayor Eddie Gooch presiding.  
Council Members present were Keith Farrell, Tom Skinner, Doug Hammers, Scott Frederick and Delores Overby.  City Attorney Richard Peyton and Clerk Kay Travis were also present. Absent was Councilwoman Shannon Cole Layton.  Prior to the start of the meeting, the Mayor and Council members, who were all re-elected last month, were sworn into office for their next term. 

  After a prayer by Councilman Frederick, Mayor Gooch opened with the reading of past minutes, and a motion to accept them was approved.  With no new items on the agenda, Mayor Gooch presented the city police activity report for November as follows: investigated 5 collisions; assisted with 172 complaints; issued 13 verbal warnings; conducted 3 arrests for misdemeanors;  7 arrests for criminal drug investigations; issued 2 moving violations; 1 escort; 4 motorist assists; 33 special details; 27 officer assists. 
In other business, City Attorney Peyton announced that some compliance measures for the city to remain eligible for federal grants were not being met.  Specifically, while the city may be doing so in practice as it pertains to federal law, it has not formally adopted some of the requirements under the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.  Calling the initial documents he had received on this subject “woefully incomplete”, Peyton informed the Council that he has been able to work with a representative of the Green River Area Development District (GRADD) to make sure the City achieves formal compliance going forward.  Mayor Gooch suggested that a motion to adopt a resolution to that effect should be made no later than January. 
Finally, upon asking for any public appeals but with none forthcoming, Mayor Gooch reminded the council of the annual Christmas breakfast for employees of the county and city and their families to be held on December 12th from 7:00 A.M to 9:00 A.M. at the Dixon Community Center.  Upon a motion, the council then adjourned.  Next meeting will be held on Monday, December 15th at 7:00 P.M. 

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