
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Some county voters to be in new district for May primary

by Matt Hughes
J-E News Editor
Some residents of Webster County will find themselves in new magisterial districts when the May primary rolls around, forcing them to travel a lot further to reach a voting booth.
County Clerk Valerie Newell reports that population shifts in a few areas of the county mandated that the changes be made, even if the voters in those areas don’t like it.
“KRs 67.045 requires that after each US Census is conducted the county must initiate reapportionment proceedings in May of the first year following the census and establish precinct boundaries,” Newell said in a letter to residents who will be redistricted.
Residents of the A102 South Dixon district and the B105 Slaughters district will now find themselves in one of the two Providence Districts. 
The North Providence district currently has 655 registered voters. The changes will add an additional 195 voters, while the South Providence district will add 75 residents to it’s 870 voters. Of those voters, 70 will be moved from the South Dixon district, with another 200 being moved from the Slaughters area.
The area of South Dixon being moved to North Providence will be all residents below a line that starts where Slover Creek Road crosses Slover Creek; then follows highway 270 east to US41A; then follows Villines Road to Lisman Mount Myria Road and finaly ends where Vanderburg Lisman Road crosses over Slover Creek in the east.
North Providence will also be adding a large section of the Slaughter’s magisterial district. That section is within a line that follows Catesville Providence Road east to 138; follows 138 to Old Dixon-Slaughers Road and then follows that road until it intersects highway 120. Highway 120 serves as the dividing point between  North and South Providence.
South Providence’s new area will include everything south of 120 from highway 1069 west.

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