by Matt Hughes
J-E News Editor
At last week’s 94th Annual Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) meeting in Louisville, Webster County resident Eddie Melton was re-elected to the office of First Vice-President of the KFB.
Melton, a former president of Webster County Farm Bureau, is chairman of KFB’s State Resolutions Committee and Health Care Task Force. He also was chairman of KFB’s Farm Bill Task Force, which conducted statewide forums and sought input from Kentucky farmers on provisions of the 2008 farm bill. Melton additionally serves as chairman of the board for the Southern States Cooperative. He and his wife, Regina, have a daughter.
KFB is a voluntary organization of farm families and their allies aimed at serving as the voice of agriculture by identifying problems, developing solutions and taking actions which will improve net farm income, achieve better economic opportunities and enhance the quality of life for all.
More than 1,500 KFB members from across the state gathered for the organization’s 94th annual meeting December 4-7 at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Delegates from all of the state’s 120 counties assembled for the four-day event to participate in committee meetings, business sessions, award presentations, officer elections and to adopt 2014 priority issues and policy revisions.
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